четверг, 29 апреля 2010 г.


1. Do you think that conflict with Serbs and Bosnians exists nowadays?
2. If exists, are you personally involved in it?
3. Who do you consider was an instigator of the conflict?
4. Do you think that one nation suffered more than the other in war 1991-1995?
5. Do you believe in the possibility of compromise?
6. Do you think that one ethnic group has more rights and freedoms than the other in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Serbs, Bosnians’, Croats)?
7. Do interethnic marriages between Serbs and Bosnians happen? Is percentage high?
8. Do you have some offensive “nicknames” for Bosnians?
9. Do you have anecdotes about Bosnians? Do they consider them to be insulting?
10. Do you have caricatures about Bosnians in newspapers of Serbia or Respublika Srpska?
11. What history period do you think was the most stable in the relations of 2 nations? What one was the most unstable?

Дејан Пирке Павловић
.Those muslims in Bosnia who you call Bosnians' are not nation...they are serbs who have been forced to convert to islam... so question 11 is a bit stupid...

thats not truth...becose croats didnt have any conection with turks... serbia have been under turks for 500 years and bosnia...and muslims have become nation i think 74...like montenegro - thats serbs who live in montenegro...they are just etnic group,nothing else...i hope u understand. iand about croats-many serbs have also been converted to catolics,when people in area on Rep of serb krajina and area where was venecie didnt have anything to eat,they was dieing vatican send food and serbs was getting it only if they convert and say they are croats in ww2 politics of NDH and ustasha was kill 1,convert one,force to move from ndh 1...and they have killed only 700 000 serbs only in Jasenovac (serach on wikipedia)...i will answer on all ur qeustions 1-yes,there is conflict and today-many people have forgot-war is over-life goes on,but musliman liders and many muslims hate rep srpska and they still trying to destroy her...people in rep srpska dont care for federation and our leaders there...thats why rep srpska have stronger economy,people live better... and one more thing-the croats now want 3 entitet... and they are idiots if think they will get something from rep srpska...they was fight together with muslims agains serbs,nato was hellping them... and if they want to have 3rd entitet,they can only get it in federation of mislims and croats...2-i am not personaly involved in that... i respect our heroes-Ratko Mladic and others...they can tell what they want about him but he is hero in serbia,he is not criminal... 3-i didnt sure what that qeustion means-but muslims and croats have vote for indenpendence of bosnia from yugoslavia...and they didnt have right to do that without serbian people,like croats in croatia...that was constitution.4-well muslims and croats have fight together against serbs... in war in croatia they have forced 500 000 serbs to leave croatia...(operation storm search it on yt) so i think that serbs have suferd more then muslims and croats... and there was time when muslims and croats fight against each other...but there wasnt any real battles...only some smaller...5-yes there is always chance for compromise...live in federation and dont look on rep srpska,when muslims start to think-how to their people live better,to have better standard not how to destroy Rep Srpska.. everything will be ok... 6-depends where-war was 15 years ago... it is still fresh for older generation... well one personal example- for something in federation my father have payed 5 bosnian mark and muslim in front of him have pay only 1 mark... well... 7-i dont know,but probably yes... but not much...i think it is rare...8- well Balija,Turks...dont know how croats call them...9-well we have some jokes about them,nothing bad...just funny...like they about us...10- No 11-i have alredy answer on that question... they are not nation... they have become nation from tito...till 74 i they have telling they are islam serbs b4 that... that asshole tito didnt want to serb have domination in yugoslavia...so he make new nations... comunist have ruin serbia more for 50 years then turks for 500

Сандра Карпа
1. Yes, conflicts still exist but I think it depends on the regions and the percentage of ethnic groups there are in these regions.2. I am not personally involved.3. Croatia, having decreed that the Serbs were a minority, first proclaimed its independence. Slovenija. Bosnia and Herzegovina in March 1992 (Alija Izetbegovic). The Western powers who want to dismantle a powerful state in the Balkans. NATO, ally of Croatia and the Bosnia and Herzegovina.4. Humanly speaking, everyone has suffered during the conflict. Since the beginning.5. As long as hatred will reign between nations, no compromise is possible.6. Everyone has the right to freedom, but it is impossible given the situation.7. There are interethnic marriages but the percentage should not be high, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I think for the diaspora, the rate is higher than in Bosnia and Herzegovina.8. Yes I have, as they have for us Serbs =)9. I have lots of anecdotes, funny and less funny. The nicknames I give them are not demeaning, it's just nicknames realistic.10. I haven't got newspapers about Bosnians of Serbia or Respublika Srpska.11. I don't think there have actually been stable period between the two nations. The most volatile period certainly has been the war that began in 1992.

Biljana Kezmic
1. I believe that there is2. I have not included3. unnecessary hate4. The Serbs have suffered more5. I do not believe, because the Croats were not for that6. should be equal7. I do not know8. I do not have9. I heard anecdotes, most not offensive10. I not noticed11. I do not know

Milan Jankovic
1. not real conflict, maybe few cases of violence. But there is not much love. (btw it's bosniaks not bosnians, bosnians is term for everyone who lives in bosnia, BOSNIAKS is term for muslims in bosnia, and they call themselfs a bosniaks)2. No.3. since I am the serb, of course i think war was started because bosniaks wanted islamic country in europe.4. We all suffered equal.5. Of course there is, but many years is gonna pass before we can make real compromise, mainly because muslims (bosniaks) still have their leaders from the war, croats and serbs change their politicians but bosniaks keep politicians from the war time.6. i think Bosniaks have the most rights since they own capital city, and croats the least rights, serbs in the middle.7. i hear of none of that cases, but probably there is some. But percentage is so low.8.Yes all etnics groups have ofensive nicknames.9. No, not realy.10. No i dont remember to see one.11 1970-1988, unstable of course the war 1991-1995

1. Do you think that conflict with Serbs and Bosnians exists nowadays?
2. If exists, are you personally involved in it?
3. Who do you consider was an instigator of the conflict?
4. Do you think that one nation suffered more than the other in war 1991-1995?
5. Do you believe in the possibility of compromise?
6. Do you think that one ethnic group has more rights and freedoms than the other in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Serbs, Bosnians’, Croats)?
7. Do interethnic marriages between Serbs and Bosnians happen? Is percentage high?
8. Do you have some offensive “nicknames” for Serbs?
9. Do you have anecdotes about Serbs? Do they consider them to be insulting?
10. Do you have caricatures about Serbs in newspapers?
11. What history period do you think was the most stable in the relations of 2 nations? What one was the most unstable?

Dzenita Dzeni Omerovic
1) Yes, I indeed do think that there is still conflict between Serbs and Bosnians. There always will be. Just as between America & Iraq or any other countries that have been in big wars. But I do admit the situation has gotten a lot better ! I can say from personal experience. My best friend is of Serbian decent and I love her and respect her and her background more than any of my friends ! We don't mention the war because we had nothing to do with it. We forgive and forget ! And I have to say that she is my closest friend right no, and to me it really doesn’t matter that she’s from Serbian decent! 2) No I don't think that I am involved in it at all. I was raised to never be prejudice against anyone because of their race or religion. That's not going to change because some stupid, selfish people in the government didn't know what they were doing & decided to start a war.3) Hmmm,Well I can't think of one person in particular who was an instigator of the conflict. But I do admit that the leaders in the Former Yugoslavian War are definitely at fault for what happened in Yugoslavia. I know from talking to my friends and family in Bosnia that it is very clear not everyone wanted this conflict and war to even happen! I think what makes me the maddest is that because of some ignorant people, we had this whole conflict happen when it really shouldn’t have. And what has this stupid conflict gotten us…neither Serbia nor Bosnia nor Croatia is doing at all better now than they were before this whole conflict. 4) Do I think one nation suffered more in the war…yes. I do. I’m guessing you’ve heard of the Srebrenica genocide that occurred in Bosnia during the war. That definitely was something horrible that the other former Yugoslavian countries didn’t experience. Although I don’t think just one country was to blame or one country should play the victim. But that genocide should not have happened and that makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. 5) Why of course I do believe in the possibility of compromise. I think as the new generations of young people begin to learn more about the war and realize how horrible it was, I think we’re getting that much closer to being at peace. I don’t think anybody or any country will be able to go back to the way things were before the war, but even a tiny bit better than the way it is now would be great! Take me and my friend for example. I am of full Bosnian decent, she is of Serbian decent…but I treat her like my sister and so does she!! We hang out all the time, our parents talk, my parents love her, and her parents love me. We get along just fine. Maybe it was the way we were raised, but yeah.6) Ethnic rights? Hmmm, no I don’t think one country/nation has more ethnic rights than the other. Yes, all of the countries suffered a great deal during the war, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get off their butts and try to fix things and fight for what they believe in! Take Germany and World War II for example!! Germany was the “enemy country” during that war. And tell me, how is Germany doing today….they are doing just fine! I wish that the former Yugoslavian countries could turn to other countries such as Germany for an example!! They need to fight for their rights, instead of complaining and not doing anything about it!! Where would the world be today if Martin Luther King Jr. hadn’t fought for his rights as an African American? We’d still have racism going on like never before.7) that is a tough question to answer…I think inter-ethnic marriages and relationships do happen, but the percentage is definitely very low. I think it’s the way kids and people are raised to believe that their religion and race is the best for them. I’m not sure whether I agree with that or not. Love is love, no matter what color skin or what race or religion. But as my father would say; “You’re too young to think about love.” Hahaha8) No sir. I don’t have any offensive nicknames for Serbian people. I would be ashamed of myself if I ever said or even thought anything bad about Serbians or Croatians or anyone for that matter!! That is so wrong to me, no matter what they might have done or what anybody might have done.9) Nope, no anecdotes or anything. Like I said before, I don’t like making fun of anyone. No matter what they might have done to me or what they have done to anyone I know. I’m a “soft-hearted” person as my friends call me. I can’t hold grudges nor be mad at someone for long nor have any hate toward anyone. That’s just me! 10) Oh no. In America that is definitely illegal and not right. I don’t think anybody here would allow that to be published at all. Maybe in Bosnia or other countries they would allow that (which I think is really wrong and shouldn’t happen) but not here. 11) Oh here we go. With the history questions…now I regret not listening to my dad’s lectures about the “Ottoman Empire” and the “Beginning of Yugoslavia”. Hahaha I think the most unstable period of the 2 nations was defenitily during the war, probably the last year of the war I think was the worst period.The best period? That would probably be the beginning of the formation of Yugoslavia. My parents say “There will never be another country like Yugoslavia anywhere.”

Nermin Taletovic
1. Do you think that conflict with Serbs and Bosnians exists nowadays?A. No there is no conflict betwen people's in Bosnia (serbs,croats,bosnians) there is only some neonazi organizations filled with hatred and hools like in any other country in Europe...ordinary people live thogether with no conflicts for sureBtw I have a lot of friends from all sides...Serbs Croats and BosniaksWe all said that war is big stupidity...2. If exists, are you personally involved in it?A: I am very liberal to all and everything but in my city there is only organisations againts nacism and fascsim...there is no hatred at all...3. Who do you consider was an instigator of the conflict?A: Okay the ordinary people didn't start this....it was like this "they give you gun, you defend yourself....Everybody was just defending each others..Who is instigator....Some lunatic's, psycho's easy to describe like some people like Hitler (for all sides)...ordinary people didn't what war...but when all started everybody was defending a lot of lunatics ware doing war crimes....I would say some big guilty to West Europe, USa etc, they have destroyed Yugoslavia...."Divide and Conquer" rule4.Do you think that one nation suffered more than the other in war 1991-1995?A.The Bosniak's suffered mostly betwen two sides they was attacked from all sides...and they didn't have support...Fact about war casualty Bosniaks 64,341 66.2%Serbs 24,726 25.4%Croats 7,602 7.8%No need to say nothing else but the most war crimes was suffered by Bosniak's for sure...5. Do you believe in the possibility of compromise?A: The compromise is here today people live together, the problem is in radical small groups which should be forbbiden in this secular country... but democracy allow them to expand hatred..6.Do you think that one ethnic group has more rights and freedoms than the other in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Serbs, Bosnians’, Croats)?A. I don't tink so, everybody have same right's, but everbody are hostages of wrong and corupted politics...7. Do interethnic marriages between Serbs and Bosnians happen? Is percentage high?A: At my place, yes it is, I would say 80% people in whole country aprove that...But young people don't care when is love in question..some old are sceptic but who cares about them...In my place i would say about 20 % marriages are interethinc...there is lot interethinc relationships, My friends are all in some interethinc relationship and friendships...8. Do you have some offensive “nicknames” for Serbs?A. I don't use offensive nicknames to anybody...I don't see the reason why I should use that for Serbs..I didn't lose anybody in war but there is people who lose everything so they have hate from all sides...but i don't...9. Do you have anecdotes about Serbs? Do they consider them to be insultingA: There is a lot of jokes for all sides...Balkan comics but they are not insulting...10. Do you have caricatures about Serbs in newspapers?A:Okay one point the Serbs or Bosniaks or Croats are not in newpapers as nation or something....But we have a bad and corrupted politicians from all sides...There is only carricatures from them but nothing in connection betwen nations...11. What history period do you think was the most stable in the relations of 2 nations? What one was the most unstable?A:There is a lot of stable relations Serbs and Bosniaks defended thogether ther independence at Kosovo Polje from Ottomans...but I would let say Socialism and Yugoslavia...the main problem at this lands are radical groups (nacists facshists, neo nacists, chetniks, ustashs, vehabism)..that is main problem which corrupts this land

Đavolica Damnjanovic
1. unfortunately yes, a lot, but in my region (Tuzla ) almost never. The most affected are Herzegovina and Republika Srpska2. no3. politicians, because they propagate nationalism hate4. off course, Muslims. Commited genocide in Srebrenica are the best proof of that5. no, we (Muslims, Serbs and Croats) will never find a compromise6. no, we are all in the same shit7. I'm a child from interethnic marriage, but it happened before war, and yes, even now people getting in interethnic marriages, but I don't know about percentage8. sometimes,Chetniks (Četnici) but can you blame me? The most of Serbs are introduced they selfs like Chetniks, and they are not shame because of that, on the contrary, they are proud9. maybe I do, I can't remember now, but I don't give a damn about if they are insult10. no11. I think it was when we all lived in Yugoslavija, but I'm not Yugonostalgic, because when Tito was our president Muslims were not been recognized nation, they have to introduced they selfs like "Others" not like now. Now they could tell everyone they're Muslims, who have their own religion, language and they're not have to be a communists, like they're must been in YugoslavijaThe most unstable period is now :( I think and most of my people think that now is the most unstable period for Serbs, Bosnians and Croats in my country. Even in the war doesn't been like this :(Now is the terrible period for all of us.
Aldin الدين Halapic
1. yes there are existe big conflict2.no i am not,lots of bosnian people is not like thed we are nice and kind people 3.i am shore thed serbian people is consider the conflict(war)4.no i dont think that5.i beleve in compromise but day are wrong people in the right plac,we have so much to give to europe but whit this govermend6.no,i dont think that,wee are same people whit same love ion one god,7.no,not nowi think that tgis is biggest problem hier 8.no,i call people by name9.no10.no i dont,why wood i?11.i dont understand this question:(i am glad that u r ask me this becouse most of people think that we(bosnian people) are socks..loolbut that is not thruewe r nice people

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